Let in the light


Ring the bells that still can ring.
Forget your perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything.
That’s how the light gets in.
— Leonard Cohen

One idea to keep it slow and simple… Let in the light

Most winter holidays have at least one common theme: They celebrate light in the annual cycle of darkness.

It starts around November and the Diwali Festival of Lights, on through the lighting of the Hanukkah menorah, the Christmas tree and the Kwanzaa kinara. There’s Saint Lucy’s crown of candles, the bonfires of Yule and the lanterns of the Lunar New Year. In our darkest months, we spill light from our homes and our hearts.

As you move towards the winter solstice and the year’s longest night, in what ways do you internalize light? One what do you shine your light?

If you are a candle in this world, still lit and glowing, where will you shine yourself?

Happy holidays, in all the ways you celebrate!

And some clickable fun…

We love to discover and share, so we’ve added three cool clickables. And just so you know, when we list products, it’s just because we like them. We’re not sponsored by anything but our dreams and imaginations.

  • For the past two years, drummer Dave Grohl and producer Greg Kurstin have recorded cover songs by Jewish artists, and released one on each night of Hanukkah. Check out their The Hanukkah Sessions 2021!

  • It’s the season of giving. Here’s a cool way to make your gift go even further. The Giving Multiplier adds a percentage on top of your donation and sends proceeds to the nonprofit of your choice along with one of their featured “super-effective charities.”

  • Whether your house is full of bright, filtered light or you live below street level, you can still have plants. We’re really loving these tutorials for making your own life-like paper plants.
