Kitchen Meditations
January 3, 2021
“And now let us believe in a long year that is given to us, new, untouched, full of things that have never been. ”
Keep it slow and simple with… kitchen meditations
Do your thoughts wander? Do you fidget much? Is your day or your house or your mind usually busy, even when you’re sitting still? It may be that mindfulness is most useful for those who find it the hardest to quiet themselves.
If this sounds like you, I invite you to head to your kitchen. There, your daily tea or coffee or breakfast extend an invitation of their own. They invite you to notice them, to give a few moments of undivided attention.
That cup of tea? Take it a step at a time. What color is your kettle? What shape? What is the sound your stovetop makes as you turn it on? What tea leaves will you choose and how do they smell when you first open the package? Notice the steam as you pour the water and the warmth of the cup when you pick it up. Take that first sip slowly. Taste it fully. Anchor yourself to the experience until the tide of your day pulls you on.
That’s a slow, simple kitchen meditation. And if it inspires you to linger a moment longer to crush a few whole spices or zest a little lemon, may the rewards linger long after the last sip.