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Imagine a world


One idea to keep it slow and simple… Imagine a world

If we take steps toward a better future, it’s because we imagine that such a thing is possible. We image a world with less trash, a more sustainable world, a world with care at its center. And it becomes more true in the imagining.

What if we speculated changes far vaster? Worlds much greener, slower, more wild and more just? For all the science fiction lovers out there, the Octavia Butler readers or Trekkies, distant planets and futures hold lessons and provide direction for how we might live here and now.

It’s an exercise worthy of both Valentine’s Day and Black History Month. If you imagined a new planet for your loved ones, or a future that learns from the past, what world would you create?

And some clickable fun!

We love to discover and share, so we’ve added three cool clickables. And just so you know, when we list products, it’s just because we like them. We’re not sponsored by anything but our dreams and imaginations.