Grow something new

March 13, 2022

Where flowers bloom, so does hope.
— Lady Bird Johnson

One idea to keep it slow and simple… grow something new

We all grow things, whether we garden or not. We grow children or pets or habits. We grow strong or brave or tired. Sometimes we grow all of this.

As spring hints to us in some regions and roars loudly into others, it’s an annual reminder that winter will end and the sun will return and what was dead or dormant will bloom again.

What inspires you? What can you grow that serves as a reminder of that inspiration? Growing herbs can remind you of the healing properties of nature. Pop the roots of grocery store green onions in water and be reminded that little things add zing to your life. A new house plant can bring moments of joy during an online meeting.

Or plant sunflowers, the national flower of Ukraine, and be inspired and emboldened to act when the times require it.

And some extras to click

We love to discover and share, so we’ve added three cool clickables. And just so you know, when we list products, it’s just because we like them. We’re not sponsored by anything but our dreams and imaginations.
