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Celebrating National Hispanic Heritage Month

La Fortuna Waterfall, Costa Rica

September 15th kicked off National Hispanic Heritage Month, and we are deeply grateful for the contributions of Hispanic Americans to the CoffeeSock company and story. In many ways, CoffeeSock traces its lineage back to Mexico and South America, starting with those first sips of coffee, snuck from my mama’s mug. 

Baby Corina and her mom Maria

My love of coffee began with stolen sips. In my memory, my mama always had a cup of coffee near. She drank her brew with just enough sweetness and cream that I found it irresistible and took every opportunity to test it.  My momma immigrated from the Mexican border town of Piedras Negras when she was 13, and my childhood memories combine the smell of a fresh pot brewing with the sounds of her Spanish music. I still enjoy listening to Selena while sipping a cuppa, but I drink my brew black these days.

The “sock” part of CoffeeSock owes its origin to the Costa Rican “chorreador” - a simple cotton bag attached to a wire and the first cotton filter I ever used. There in the indescribable beauty of Costa Rica’s mountain landscape with my future husband, we marveled at the perfect cup of coffee this simple tool produced. Back in Austin, I made my own cotton sock for my Chemex – and then made more for friends and family. What started as a desire to share with my close circle bloomed into a mission to rid the world of paper filters.

CoffeeSock is steeped in these stories and forever grateful. And of course, we might not be here without the efforts of coffee growers too, many in Mexico and South America. In fact, according to Equal Exchange, Mexico produces the most organic coffee worldwide! 

 For National Hispanic Heritage Month we dedicate the ritual of our morning mugs to our own Hispanic heritage, and to the contributions to the planet of all those of Hispanic origin. Cheers!
