Hello Summer!
Happy summer solstice sock family! Around here, we are thrilled this time of year as we finally dive into the maker projects and road trips we've dreamed about during those 9 busy non-summer months. Yes, the temps regularly soar above 100 degrees (that's about 38C for out non-U.S. readers), but that's nothing a swimming hole, a shade tree, and a cold treat can't handle. Somehow, when we're diving into the 68-degree waters of Austin's Barton Springs, or one of the many beautiful waterscapes of central Texas, we just don't mind the heat so much.
Of course, we don't limit ourselves to the local spots. That's one of the many magics of summer - we can take off elsewhere. And we sure do love that dreamy place called elsewhere. We get there while lazing in a hammock, or we jump in the van and head that way, or we find it between the covers of a book. So, on this sunny solstice day, we're using our extra daylight to send some appreciation to the sun-fueled summer and planning our projects and dreaming of our elsewheres and happy with our here.
What are your projects and elsewhere plans this summer?
Hitting the trail