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Organic to the Thread: Spotlight on Fiberactive Organics Cotton Thread

Photo courtesy of Fiberactive Organics

Held Together By a Thread

Take a quick look around you and spot all the things that are made out of fabric. Maybe you’re sitting on a sofa or grabbing something from your bag. Maybe there’s a blanket or towel nearby. Let’s assume you’re wearing clothes. Choose one item and look closer. You probably don’t think about it much, but the whole thing is likely held together by thread.

Held together by a thread—it seems so vulnerable and impermanent. Quality thread is actually quite tough. That’s why a stitched-together sofa can last through decades of movie nights and naps. Of course, it will break down eventually. So, like all materials that will eventually be disposed, even thread can be organic, sustainable and compostable.

If you read our recent blog about organic cotton, you’ll know why we are committed to making CoffeeSock products organic down to the thread. Organic thread helps us keep our promise to bring you sustainable products that reduce toxins and trash.

Meet Julie Moore & Fiberactive Organics

We’re very proud to spotlight our thread vendor, Fiberactive Organics! Headquartered in North Carolina, Fiberactive Organics sources organic cotton thread from around the world.  

Founder and CEO, Julie Moore, came to the business with a dedication to sustainable practices that support a clean environment and human dignity. She trained as a graphic artist and supported herself through school by managing the family business—her dad’s dental office. Though dental management and graphic arts might not seem a likely start, Julie’s training as an artist found expression in fabric portraits and graphic quilts, and her designs have been featured in international quilting publications. 

Julie on the Bhuria’s farm near Indore, India

Fabric arts, sustainability and good business sense—these threads wove through her life and led quite naturally to Fiberactive Organics.

Sustainability & Sewpure Thread

Dedicated to sustainable practices that preserve the soil, tread lightly on the environment and support the dignity of human labor, Fiberactive only uses materials certified by the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS). And Julie doesn’t source her cotton by hearsay. Knowing that the soil conditions and cotton varieties grown in India work well in organic thread, she travelled there herself to check it out. On her website, she tells the story of the Sewpure cotton thread—that’s the variety CoffeeSock uses—as it moves from cotton crop through milling and spinning.

Outside the city of Indore, she met farmers and local leaders in organic farming, Raphael and Tashila Bhuria. According to Julie, this husband and wife team “are not only extremely well educated in organic farming, they are leaders in organic research, they have developed methods of composting and creating amendments from their compost that other farmers can apply to their crops for better yields and deterring pests.”

Raphael and Tashila Bhuria on their farm.

Follow the “Story of Sewpure” from the Bhuria’s farm through the organic production cycle on Fiberactive Organic’s website. 

Thank you Julie! From the CoffeeSock team.