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Everything Green Wellness Juice

Wellness shots have become a popular trend in recent years as people seek out quick and convenient ways to boost their health and well-being. These small, concentrated drinks are packed with vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial nutrients that are believed to support the immune system, increase energy and improve overall health. While many people opt for store-bought wellness shots, there are several benefits to making your own at home.

By preparing your own wellness shots, you have greater control over the ingredients and can customize them to suit your specific health needs and taste preferences. Additionally, making your own wellness shots can be more cost-effective than buying them pre-made, and it can be a fun and rewarding way to experiment with different ingredients and flavors.

Here’s how to DIY our immune-boosting green wellness juice

Gather your ingredients

Makes 32oz of Green Juice

Make your green juice

  • Wash your veggies, and roughly chop the 2 cucumbers and 6 celery stalks

  • Blend the cucumber and celery pieces with 1-1.5 cups of water.

  • Add in the Parsley and Spinach, and blend until well combined.

  • Grab your NutMilk Filter and pour the blended veggies into the filter, and tie your filter then squeeze the juice into your Mason Jar and discard pulp once drained. (This step will need to be repeated until all of the pulp is gone).

    • Optional: Squeezing the juice into a large bowl or measuring glass cup will help you better catch all the juice before storing it in your Mason Jar.

  • This juice will last in the refrigerator for 1 week. You can also store any extra juice in the freezer for up to 30 days. *If stored in the freezer be sure to use a plastic container, as glass will break in the freezer.

Take a shot of this green juice in the morning to help boost your immune system and regulate fluid balance in the body and reduce water retention. If you feeling under weather or would like to increase your overall wellness we recommend taking a shot in the morning and one before you go to sleep.
